Role Play 2023-24

‘Role Play Activities’ conducted at a college level involve students taking on different roles and interacting in diverse learning settings. These activities provide valuable opportunities for students to practice skills they will need after graduation. Department of Commerce organized a team-building ‘Role Play’ activity for the students of all three years of B. Com program on 9th of September, 2023 in the seminar hall.

The event started with a welcome speech by Mr. Vaibhav Shrivastava, Head of the Department of Commerce. He elaborated the objective of the activity and underlined on how they can help evaluate students' abilities to work under pressure with others, as well as assess their decision-making and communication skills. He also stressed the importance of role play which lies in its potential to offer authentic and reflective learning experiences.

Six different groups of students participated in the activity consisting of three members each. The orator of the event, Mrs. Tripti Pashine, Assistant Professor, has given different situations to each of the groups in which every member has a ‘Role’ to play. These random situations are based on the fundamental organizational working scenarios viz., (i) Acting as a Bank Manager, Customer and Colleague under specific circumstances (ii) Sales Manager, two employees in a scenario of selling of a product (iii) HR Manager, female and male employees’ working hours (iv) Interviewer and two aspirants (v) Three volunteers for a charity cause (iv) Service manager and two customers for switching between the products.

The participants tried to demonstrate their abilities to act as different roles, time management for taking quick decisions and most importantly on building a team as well as working as an active member of the same. Mr. Singamala Vamsee and Dr. Preeti Saini Agrawal were two judges of the event. The group of first position (i) Kanjali Kohade (ii) Muskan verma (iii) Farheen Bano and the students bagged the second position were (i) Shraddha Gupta (ii) Ayush Tiwari (iii) Priya Agarwal. The winning criteria of the ‘Role Play’ include (a) Communication Skills (b) Collaboration and Team work (c) Role Portraying skills. Winners of the first and second positions were given the certificates of appreciation. Many students participated and performed well in the ‘Role Play’. The faculty members of the Department of Commerce Mr. Krishna Kant Choubey, Mrs. Neetu Gupta, Mr. Akash Goenka successfully executed the activity. The event was concluded with a note of ‘Vote of Thanks’ by Mrs. Tripti Pashine.

The promotion of creativity and fostering team work and collaboration among students are the main objectives of organizing cultural activities in the institution. The Department of Commerce is convened a unique ‘Eco-friendly Rakhi and Card Making Competition’ on 28th of August, 2023 in the seminar hall of the college with the very objective of delivering the expression of sisterhood and brotherhood among the students. The participants of the event are given a stipulated time to make their exclusive ‘Rakhi’ and ‘Card’ by individual and team. The theme of the activity was ‘Eco-friendliness and sustainability’. The rules and guidelines also framed to utilize the organic materials viz., (a) reflecting the elements of nature, recycling and bio-degradability (b) Usage of Jute, Cotton. Paper, Cereals and other natural components. The students, in this unique competition have incorporated their creative work and presented beautiful, colourful and very innovative ‘Rakhis’ and ‘Cards’. Dr. Sunita Pawar, the Librarian of the institution, Dr. Mini. S. Pillai, senior faculty of the ‘Department of Education’ were invited as judges of the event. Rankings were given by them as per four criteria viz., (i) Creativity (ii) Eco-friendly theme (iii) Craftsmanship and (iv) Over-all Presentation. Principal Dr. Kuldeep Dubey and Vice-Principle Dr. G. Padma Gouri have invited as Chief-Guests of the event. The Principal shared and highlighted the very creative and cultural objective of the activity which strengthen the bond between the students as well as promotion of peace and harmony. Mr. Vaibhav Shrivastava, Head of the Department of Commerce also inspired with his words of appreciation and encouragement to the participants and students attended the event. Principal and Vice-Principal have presented the certificates of participation to the winners of the event. Ms. Admaya Shrivastava, Ms. Tanya Nainani, Mr. Ashish Xalxo have grabbed the first position in the individual preparation of ‘Rakhi’. Mr. Tushar Gupta, Ms. Piranjal and Ms. Jyoti have won the first position in the group activity. Very large number of students participated the activity and showed tremendous enthusiasm and creativity to display not only the theme of ‘Eco-Friendliness’ but also showcased the cultural bond of sisterhood and brotherhood. The faculty members of the ‘Department of Commerce’, Dr. Priti Saini Agrawal, the In-Charge of the event, Mrs. Neetu Gupta, Mr. S. Vamsee Krishna, Mr. Krishna Kant Choubey and Mrs. Tripti Pashine have executed the event successfully.

Orientation 2023-24 "PRARAMBH"

An ‘Institution’s Orientation Program’ for the new students is as crucial as it is to ensure their academic journey towards the right direction. St. Vincent Pallotti College organizes this event as part of its scheduled academic calendar which is attributed to every department of the institution. The Department of Commerce convened 2023-24 session’s orientation program, titled as “PRARAMBH” on 23rd of August, 2023 in the seminar hall at 10:30 A.M.

The event started with the lighting of the ‘Divine Lamp’ by the Director, Father Amit Tirkey, Principal, Dr. Kuldeep Dubey, Vice-Principal, Dr. G. Padma Gouri, Head of the Department of Commerce, Mr. Vaibhav Shrivastava, along with the Heads of Computer Science and Education departments.

Mr. Vaibhav Shrivastava, in his address to the students of the department of commerce enumerated about the college, curriculum, facilities and regulations. He also emphasized on the academic expectations and support services of the institution. Principal Dr. Kuldeep Dubey, while sharing his views to the students, explained on how to acclimate to their academic and social environment as the college provides an equal opportunity to actively participate and engage in their curricular and co-curricular activities to benefit the campus facilities and culture to the greater extent.

The students performed on stage in various categories viz., group dance, group singing, solo dance and instrumental play to elevate the enthusiasm as well as energy of the attendees and viewers. Mr. Krishna Kant Choubey displayed a visual journey of the Department of Commerce through the power point presentation. Mrs. Neetu Gupta, In-Charge of the event, Mrs. Tripti Pashine, Mr. Akash Goenka and Dr. Priti Saini Agrawal have executed and supervised throughout the program by encouraging a greater number of students to participate in different segments.

‘PRARAMBH- the Orientation Program certainly helped the students feel more comfortable and informed about the institutions’ facilities, curriculum transactions and other provisions especially for the new admitted B.Com-1st year students. A large number of students were participated and benefited by this event. The students are well informed about how to connect with peers, faculty and staff and to foster a sense of belongingness and commonness.

The program concluded with the note of ‘Vote of Thanks’ by Mr. Singamala Vamsee. Dr. Sunita Pawar, Librarian, Dr. Prachi Singh, Head of the Department of Management Dr. Mini.S.Pillai and Mrs. Ramola Dan from the Education department were also witnessed along with all other faculty members of the Department of Commerce to this ‘Orientation Day Program’.

The Corporate Chronicles Case Study Competition, held on 06-12-2023, Wednesday on 2nd floor of St. Vincent Pallotti College for B. Com II students. The aim of this activity was to provide students with a practical understanding of real-world corporate scenarios, enabling them to apply theoretical knowledge to practical situations. The activity focused on cultivating critical thinking, problem-solving skills, and teamwork among students.

The competition began with the selection of diverse case studies spanning different industries and challenges. Students were then organized into groups, encouraging collaboration and diverse perspectives. This allowed students to apply theoretical knowledge gained in the classroom to analyze the selected cases thoroughly. Each group presented their findings, showcasing an in-depth analysis, proposed solutions, and the rationale behind their recommendations.

This presentation aimed to improve communication and presentation skills. Following each presentation, a comprehensive discussion was facilitated, allowing for constructive feedback from both peers and the instructor. The activity encouraged critical thinking as students delved into complex situations, identified key issues, and proposed viable solutions. It also emphasized teamwork, enhancing interpersonal skills, and promoting active engagement. The overall success of the "Corporate Chronicles" case study activity suggests its continued integration into the curriculum to prepare students for the complexities of the business world. Total of 7 teams participated in the competition.

Participants of ‘Corporate Chronicles’ were:

  1. Aditi Awasthi, Deepa and Lekha Patel – “ TATA Motors -marketing strategy”
  2. Isha Kuldeep, Akansha, shruti Kuldeep –“LensKart – Success story”
  • Kiran Raut and Piranjal – “ Juice – New venture”
  1. Ashish ad Rohan Kispotta – “Titan Co. Ltd- Marketing Strategy”
  2. Chinmay – “Shri Mahila Grah Udyog Lijjat Papad – Success Story”
  3. Priyam Toppo and Gayatri Sahu – “ Horlicks - False and Misleading Avertisement”
  • Kusum Pandey – “ Boat Company- Success Story”

The Corporate Chronicles Case Study Competition proved to be of great help in offering a unique platform to students to demonstrate their skills in a competitive setting. The event not only highlighted the students' ability to apply theoretical knowledge but also emphasized the importance of effective communication, strategic thinking, and adaptability in the face of challenging scenarios. The positive outcomes suggest the continued viability and expansion of such competitive formats to enhance the overall learning experience of students.

The essential objective of ‘Parent-Teacher Meeting (PTM)’ is to provide a structured opportunity for parents and teachers to share information about the student's academic progress, behaviour, and overall development. St. Vincent Pallotti College committed to promote the collaboration between their students and parents. In order to support the very objective of sharing academic programs, policies, and resources, the Department of Commerce organized ‘PTM’ on 13th and 14th of October, 2023 for B. Com-I, II and III year students respectively in their classrooms.

Every parent of the ward attended on the meeting was informed about the student’s performance in the recent ‘Unit-Test’, attendance ratio and discussed the qualitative abilities of their children in the classroom. Principal Dr. Kuldeep Dubey was invited to deliver his assessment on the meeting. He emphasized on the importance of sharing necessary information about the college, system of examinations and the objective of the ‘Parent-Teacher meeting’. Vice-Principal, Dr. G. Padma Gouri has also shared her views and stressed on the need of communication between the parent and ward irrespective of the official meetings, the value of regular feedback by them in order to analyse and evaluate the functions and responsibilities of faculty and students. Class In-Charges of the respective sections discussed with the parents about the ‘Declaration form’ of attendance of the ward as per norms of the university. They also explained about the ways to progress and attempt the upcoming pre-university and annual examinations by the students.

Mr. Vaibhav Shrivastva, the Head of the Department of Commerce, categorically discussed about the new syllabus and exam pattern of both external and internal percentage of total marks. He elaborated on the strategy and practices to adopt by the students not only in attending the classes but also taking on the future examinations in terms of obtaining good score by the students. The ‘Parent-Teacher Meeting’ concluded on 14th of October, 2023 successfully and the immediate stakeholders of the institute, i.e., Students and Parents benefited by the session.

St. Vincent Pallotti College is dedicated for student support activities every year. Commerce Department is committed to conduct career enhancement programs.

A career counselling program in the Commerce Department was organised on 11th of October by Mr. Nitish Kumar Dubey, Manager, ICFAI Business School, Raipur. It was a great opportunity for the Students of BCom BBA and BCA final year, as he demonstrated   valuable insights and guidance on the completion of graduation. He discussed various academic options, such as CA CFA CMA MBA etc. and other specialized programs after BCom/BBA/BCA Courses

He highlighted the importance of choosing the right course based on interests and career goals. Mr. Nitish elaborated present current trends and developments in Commerce, Management and Computer Application fields.

The expert provided an overview of diverse career paths, including finance, marketing, HR, entrepreneurship and many more. He further shared success stories of alumni and professionals in the field and emphasized the essential skills and qualities needed for success in Commerce and Management careers like communication, problem-solving and leadership. He explained the importance of internships, and practical experience in building a strong resume.

He discussed the significance of joining professional organizations. He shared tips for building a professional online presence. He provided guidance on creating a compelling resume and facing interviews. He allowed students to ask questions and seek clarification on their career concerns and encouraged students to explore their interests and plan for their future.

All the faculty members are present including Mr. Vaibhav Shrivastava HOD. A  vote of thanks was proposed by Mrs. Tripti Pashine Singh and expressed gratitude towards the speaker for taking valuable session on career guidance and counselling after graduation.

St. Vincent Pallotti college offers certificate courses from all the departments exclusively in different domains to uphold valuable educational option for students who are looking to enhance their learning skills. The Department of Commerce designed a ‘Certificate Course in Tally PRIME’ which is an application of accounting software useful for commerce graduates on their placement opportunities in the various fields. The fundamental objective in offering this certificate course is to provide students with specialized knowledge in a particular area, i.e., accounting record and management system-Tally. Department of Commerce signed a ‘Memorandum of Understanding’ with ‘CAPS Tally, Raipur’ which offers contemporary courses on Computerized Accounting.  The certificate course commenced from 21st of September, 2023 to 26th of September, 2023 in the AVA room. 50 students in total of B. Com-I, II and III years are enrolled in this certificate course.

The opening ceremony of the course started with a welcome speech by Mrs. Neetu Gupta, Assistant Professor. Mr. Vaibhav Shrivastava, Head of the Department of Commerce shared his views on the importance of the certificate courses with respect to the commerce students and invited Mr. Chetan Gupta, Director of ‘CAPS Tally’ and Mrs. Preeti Gupta, Chief-Instructor of ‘Tally-Prime’ to proceed with the scheduled lectures.

Department of Commerce organized Diya and Candle Decorations Competition on 3rd November, 2023 in AVA room. The event aimed to encourage creativity and craftsmanship among participants and celebrate the art of decorating diyas and candles as part of the auspicious customs of Indian tradition.

Students of B.Com I, II & III years actively took part in the competition, showcasing their artistic talents. They have displayed different colours, decorative artefacts, designs and more diversified thinking.

Participants were given the freedom to choose their decorative themes, resulting in a mixed array of designs. Some popular themes included traditional, modern, nature-inspired, and abstract designs.

A panel of two  judges (i) Mrs. Yashaswee Lonkar (Department of Education) and, (ii)  Mrs. Abhilasha Khare (Department of Computer Science), assessed the entries based on the following criteria, (i) Creativity: Originality of design and innovative use of materials., (ii) Craftsmanship: Attention to detail, precision in execution, and neatness, (iii) Visual Appeal: Overall aesthetic appeal and how well the decorations complemented the Diya or candle. After careful evaluation, the judges announced the winners in each category. Prizes were awarded to the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners, Diya Decoration:-  Ritu Banjare, II. Gopi Patel, III. Khushi Pandey  Candle Decoration:- I. Pranjal, II. Rajun Beck, III. Rohan Kispotta, The winners received certificates by HOD Mr. Vaibhav Shrivastava.

“The Diya and Candle Decorations Competition” was a resounding success, it is concluded with a note of vote of thanks by Mrs. Neetu Gupta. The event witnessed creative individuals and fostering a sense of community. It celebrated the beauty of artistic expression and provided a platform for participants to showcase their talent.

St. Vincent Pallotti College emphasizes the importance in promoting and preserving the rich cultural heritage of India in the form of conducting cultural activities since they are not just about entertainment or competition but also help students to develop a range of important skills which contribute to their development of holistic personality. Department of Commerce organized a unique ‘Thali and Matka Decoration Competition’ on 19th October, 2023 in the AVA room of the institution for all the B.Com students.

The objective behind the event has two cultural significances. (i) ‘Thali’ (Sacred Pooja Plate) which is typically decorated with auspicious symbols and images, During puja, is placed in front of the deity being worshipped and filled with offerings during the festival of ‘Dussehra’ to celebrate the victory of good over evil. The different colours and designs on the ‘Thali’ represent the different aspects of good and evil. The colour red represents strength and power, while the ‘white’ represents purity and innocence. (ii) ‘Matka’ (a traditional earthen pot) is decorated during Dussehra to celebrate the harvest season. The Matka is filled with water and decorated with flowers and leaves as per the tradition.

The competition is commenced with an introductory guidelines in preparing the decorative items by Mrs. Tripti Pashine. The students were participated enthusiastically and showcased their creative abilities. The participants will get scores in terms of four different criteria, i.e., (a) Theme building (b) Creativity (c) craftsmanship (d) Overall presentation. Librarian of the College, Dr. Sunita Pawar and senior faculty member of the Management Department, Ms. Aanchal Mishra were invited as judges for the competition.

Director of the Institute, Fr. Amit Tirkey, and Vice-Principal Dr. G. Padma Gouri attended the event as special guests and expressed their best compliments and motivated the students for indulging in the specific cultural competition. Rajeshwari Yogi (B.Com-1C), Rajun Beck (B.Com-III) and Anshita (B.Com-II) were placed top three positions respectively. Dr. Preeti Singh, proposed vote of thanks for the event. All the students participated were successfully overwhelmed by the creative competition. Mr. Vaibhav Shrivastava, Head of the Department has also given his best compliments for the successful execution of the program.