St. Vincent Pallotti College, the premier institute in Raipur has offered its B.Com students to attend and enrich their opportunities and career aspects in Chartered Accountancy Course as part of Students Support and Progression.
On 24th and 25th January, 2021, the Conference was organized by Central India Regional Council of ICAI (CIRC) of Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) at MAIC, Raipur.
The program focused on the Leadership skills including interpersonal proficiencies. CA Atul Agrawal, the Chairman of Central India Chartered Accountants Students Association (CICASA) clarified the queries related to the course and its article ship and emphasized the needs of stress control and data computing. CA Janet Serrao Agarwal, Keynote speaker has highlighted on the cross-border opportunities that can be availed by the students and aspirants of CA. This program was named ‘Aagaz’ which made to provide Aptitude, Attitude and Altitude for students aspiring to become CA professionals. CA Atul Kumar Gupta, The President of ICAI was also present on the event.
Principal of St. Vincent Pallotti college, Dr. Kuldeep Dubey, was invited as a Chief Guest for the valedictory session. He has comprehensively explained about the changing trends and the pre-requisite skills and abilities to adopt in the curriculum of the chartered accountancy course, and students who were presented papers & special achievers were distribute Prize by Principal Dr. Kuldeep Dubey.