I strongly believe, educational organization today is confronted by demands for near-constant change in dealing with problems that are highly complex, often ill-understood and ambiguous and with outcomes that are uncertain.

In today’s fast paced world dominated by change, the educational institutions, and particularly the educational leaders must be constantly sensitive to the emerging changes in the external environment that call for humble, deft, rapid responses by the organization. One of the key concepts of the organizational theories is the role of change and stability in the environment of the organization in selecting a strategy for leadership; that is driven by Selfless-Service which is touted as Servant-Leadership, a concept popularized by Robert Greenleaf. This was indeed very heart of Jesus’s teaching:“the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life for the humanity”(Mk 10:45).In the same vein Vincent Pallotti also, revived faith rekindle charity as part of his Charism: Universal Apostolate. Yes,it is on this very foundation the Mission-Vision of our Founding Fathers PALLOTTINES, truly predicated when this premier institution St. Vincent Pallotti College was established.

Certainly as the pressure to improve the performance of college has gained momentum and ever widening support, the need for effective school administration has been increasingly emphasized. Surely a educational leader is the most important and influential individual in the campus, it is his/her leadership that sets the tone of the college the climate for learning, the level of professionalism and moral of the teachers and the degree of what the students may become. Truly educational leaders largely determine the accomplishment of the educational goal. Thus, educational administrators and teachers must possess servant-leadership qualities that can raise the performance level of the schools in order to attain the ultimate educational goals and objectives.

It is expected then that educational leaders are people with servant-leadership behaviors and skills to effect the performance of the college. Researchers have shown that there is strong link between and effective organization; hence servant-leadership matters. Educational institution need leaders who could accomplish the vision-mission of its institution, one who can create a fundamental transformation in the learning culture of college and of the teaching profession itself. It is in this endeavors, St. Vincent Pallotti College truly stands out to be premier educational institution in the town.

The college has well-equipped and highly qualified staff, ever available for the students. We are also proud to tell you that we offer courses that are directly linked with latest educational trends and developments.Thus, we keep growing to serve you better. As I gratefully acknowledge your trust and confidence in us’ I sincerely seek your cooperation from all the stake holders of the college for the holistic growth and development of our students. I sincerely thank you for giving us the opportunity to serve you.