Women health and hygiene has been one of the most taboo topics of discussion in our society. The general discussion on this topic usually happens very quietly and mostly does not include men in it. We at St.Vincent Palloti College have tried to help our students with the basics of this topic by organizing a workshop on the Girls Health & Hygiene.

The program was organized by Women Cell of St Vincent Palloti College in Seminar Hall on 8 January 2022 at 11:00 am under the mentorship of Dr. Sunita Pawar. The students from different streams like B.Com, BBA, BCA, B.Ed., M.Com, M.A, B.P.E., Yoga and PGDCA were present. The workshop was coordinated by Mrs. Nidhi Agrawal – President Mahila Swasthya Samuh, where a session was taken by the speaker Dr.Shilpa Pawar, Gynecologist Arogya Hospital. She delivered an informative topic on Menstruation, proper sanitization and importance of sanitization for girls. She also made boys understand the topic and how they can help their mother, sister or friend in need. She also touched the basics of ovulation cycle, Anemia and PCOD related myths.

This was followed by the lecture of second eminent speaker Dr. Sushma Nayak, Pediatrician, Medishine Hospital. She spoke on the Importance of Balanced diet and nutrition in children and adults.

The workshop was made even more enjoyable by Dr. Ganga Agrawal, Yoga expert. She made students know the importance of yoga and laughing exercises.

Women cell has accomplished the program successfully. Lastly, the seminar was concluded with the vote of thanks to all the dignitaries, H.O.D’s, faculties and students.

St. Vincent Pallotti College, Raipur




"International Women's Day Celebration"

07 March 2024



Celebrating International Women's Day in college is a fantastic way to honour the achievements and contributions of women in various fields and to promote gender equality. This day brings many things for women - a cause for celebration, a reason to pause and re-evaluate a remembrance, an inspiration and a time to honor, loved and admired. International Women's Day was celebrated at St. Vincent Pallotti College, Raipur on 7th March, 2024 under the guidance of Dr. Sunita Pawar, Convener, Women Cell. The purpose of celebrating Women's Day was sensitization about "Gender equality and women's empowerment". At the outset of program Dr. G. Padma Gouri Vice-Principal of the college gave a short speech on Women's Day. She spoke about Women Entrepreneurship which is necessary to initiate the process of economic development of both developed and a developing country as it is the back bone of economy of any country. Fun games and activities were organized for the women staff in which they participated with immense zeal and enthusiasm.


The program was followed by prize distribution along with distribution of small gifts for all women staff. The celebration concluded with a heart felt vote of thanks extended to all the participants and contributors by Dr. Sunita Pawar the Convener of the Women Cell. She expressed gratitude for everyone’s involvement and support in making the event a success highlighting the importance of coming together to celebrate an empower women. She emphasis the need for continued efforts towards gender equality and encouraged everyone to stay engaged in initiatives promoting  women’s rights and opportunities.

The Women's Cell of the College celebrated International Women’s Day on 08 March 2021. The main objective of this celebration is to create awareness and a sense of being self-sufficient among the women staff of the college.

The Celebration commenced with an interactive session by Mr. Vikas Verma, the Manager of the Central Bank of India, Kapa, Raipur. In this session, the Manager explained various bank-related information to the female supporting staff of the college. The main agenda was as follows:

  • How to fill different information in the deposit & withdrawal form
  • Information about the Fixed Deposit of low-budget and RD.

The session was followed by entertainment items & games. The whole female staff participated in Tambola & one-minute games with full enthusiasm. Songs were sung in honor of women's social laurels & legends which created great motivation to the whole female staff. At last, the Vice-Principal of college, Dr. G. Padma Gouri, felicitated the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd winners of the games with prizes.

This celebration was a grand success as all the women staff enjoyed this event. The members of the Women's Cell Ms. Sunita Pawar (Convenor) and her team contributed fully with great joy to make this event successful.

Women Empowerment and Gender Equality are the most important requirements for the up liftmen and progress of our nation. In the effort to make this, St. Vincent Pallotti College had established a women cell, which aims to build a strong kernel of gender sensitization. To make familiar with women cell, the college organized Orientation day on Monday, 19th September, 2022 in Seminar Hall at 12:30 PM for fresher’s which included B.Com, BBA, BCA,PGDCA and B. Ed students, both boys and girls,where objectives of the cell were informed such as:

  • To enhance self esteem and self confidence among women students and staff.
  • To provide platform for resolving complaints.
  • To increase awareness of women related social issues, health, employment and gender related matters.
  • To realize role of women in building up of a healthy society.


The programme gave the open platform to the students to share their views on women safety, physical abuse, and gender equality. And discuss legal and constitutional rights of women. Students very actively participated in discussion about the gender related matters, health issues etc.

This was followed by the lecture of Dr. Bani Saha. She spoke on the importance of gender equality and how society can become empowered when both the genders are treated equally.

Women cell has accomplished the programme successfully under the guidance of  Dr. Sunita Pawar. Lastly, the orientation was concluded with the vote of thanks to all the H.O.D’s, faculties and students.

St. Vincent Pallotti College, Raipur

Gender Equity Cell

2023 – 2024

Report – “Orientation Day”

30th September 2023

Women Empowerment and Gender Equality are the most important requirements for the up liftment and progress of our nation. In order to ensure that both male and female students and staff enjoy the same rights and opportunities inside the campus and to help build an egalitarian society, St. Vincent Pallotti College had established a gender equity cell, which aims to build a strong kernel of gender sensitization. To make familiar with cell, the college organized Orientation day on Saturday, 30th September, 2023 in Seminar Hall at 11:10 AM for freshers which included B.Com, BBA, BCA,PGDCA and B. Ed students, where objectives of the cell were informed such as:

  • To create awareness about the need of gender equality.
  • To promote gender amity among all the college students and staff.
  • To eliminate deep rooted beliefs of gender bias and gender insensitivity.
  • To create appropriate environment in the college where students and staff carry.

out their responsibilities without any disadvantage related to gender bias.


The programme gave the open platform to the students to share their views on safety, physical abuse, gender equality and discuss legal and constitutional rights. Students very actively participated in discussion about the gender related matters, health issues etc.

This was followed by the lecture of Dr. Sunita Pawar, convener of Gender equity Cell. She spoke on the importance of gender equality and how society can become empowered when both the genders are treated equally.

Women cell has accomplished the programme successfully under the guidance of Dr. Sunita Pawar. Lastly, the orientation was concluded with the vote of thanks to all the H.O.D’s, faculties and students.

“Self Defense Workshop”

Life is a gift. It’s also unpredictable. Self-defense helps to prepare you for unexpected situations and also helps to develop mental and physical health. It may be hard to imagine being attacked by a stranger, but it happens every day. We at St.Vincent Palloti College have tried to help our students with the basics of self defense techniques by organizing 15 days workshop on Self defense.

The program was organized by Women Cell of St Vincent Pallotti College in Seminar Hall on 29th November 2022 to 14th December 2022 under the mentorship of  Dr. Sunita Pawar. Students from different streams like B.Com, BBA, BCA, B.Ed., M.Com, M.A, B.P.E., Yoga and PGDCA were present. The main motto behind this training session was to prepare students and staff for unexpected situations and also to develop increased mental and physical health. The Guest Trainer was Mr. Lokesh Sharma, Self  Defense Expert. The session started with the orientation and discussion on safety precautions at road, home, working place and other public places. The trainer taught man self-defense tricks and techniques to develop self confidence. The participants were informed about how the various tools like hand bags, key chains and duppatta could be used as a safety tool. All the participants were made to practice the techniques with other participant. The importance of safety and self-defense was also discussed in detail so that the participants could guide their students, friends and family members. Around 41 participants from various departments had participated in this programme.


Women cell has accomplished the program successfully. Lastly, the seminar was concluded with the distribution of certificate to the participants and vote of thanks to all the dignitaries, H.O.D’s, faculties and students.

Session- 2023-24
Report- Health Checkup Camp
02 December 2023


A stitch in time saves nine! With today’s fast and hectic schedule, people don’t have time to take enough care of their health. Timely health check-ups can help you find the problems even before they start. Many times, the health check-ups help in finding the problems at an early stage. With a quick response to the diseases at this stage, the chances of cure are positive. With this aim gender equity cell at St. Vincent  Pallotti College, Raipur took the initiative of  organising free medial health check-up camp for faculty, students and staff on 2 nd December 2023 at 12:00 noon, AVA Room in association with Narayana Health MMI Hospital and Om Netra Kendra and Laser vision, Raipur. The program was coordinated by Mrs. Nidhi Agrawal – President Rajshree Mahila Swasahayata Samuh, Raipur. The team of 10 members including Physician, Eye specialist and supporting staff visited the Camp from Narayana MMI Hospital and Om Netralay. The team was welcomed by Principal- Dr. Kuldeep Dubey and Vice Principal Dr. G. Padma Gouri. Dr. Ajay Kumar Mishra from MMI hospital interacted with the students and delivered a speech on various life style diseases. The Eye check-up, Blood sugar level, Metabolic age, BMR, BMI were done in this Camp. The team also measured B.P., SPO2 and temperature & provided reports generated by different medical equipment. Doctors also advised various medicines and consultation during the camp. Approximate 100 faculty members, students and staff from all the departments came up for the health check-up and consultation during the camp. Gender equity cell has accomplished the program successfully under the mentorship of Dr. Sunita Pawar. Lastly, the camp was concluded with the vote of thanks.



Convener                                                                                                                              Principal

St. Vincent Pallotti College, Raipur
2023 – 2024

“Self Defense Workshop”

Life is unpredictable and you never know what is coming next. Self-defense helps to prepare you for unexpected situations and also helps to develop mental and physical health. It may be hard to imagine being attacked by a stranger, but it happens every day. We at St.Vincent Palloti College have tried to help our students with the basics of self defense techniques by organizing 15 days’ workshop on Self-defense.

The program was organized by Gender Equity Cell of St Vincent Pallotti College in Seminar Hall on 5th December 2023 to 20th December 2023 under the mentorship of Dr. Sunita Pawar. Students from different streams like B.Com, BBA, BCA, B.Ed., M.Com, M.A, B.P.E., Yoga and PGDCA were present. The main motto behind this training session was to prepare students and staff for unexpected situations and also to develop increased mental and physical health. The Guest Trainer was Mr. Lokesh Sharma, Self Defense Expert. The session started with the orientation and discussion on safety precautions at road, home, working place and other public places. The trainer taught many self-defense tricks and techniques to develop self-confidence. Speaking on the occasion, Dr. Kuldeep Dubey, Principal, said that St. Vincent Pallotti College, Raipur enjoys the distinction of being the ‘ragging free’ institution and that many measures were being initiated for the society, security and welfare of the students.

During the workshop, the participants were informed about how the various tools like hand bags, key chains and duppatta could be used as a safety tool. All the participants were made to practice the techniques with other participant. The importance of safety and self-defense was also discussed in detail so that the participants could guide their students, friends and family members. Around 45 participants from various departments had participated in this programme.

Gender Equity cell has accomplished the program successfully. Lastly, the seminar was concluded on 20th December 2023 with the distribution of certificate to the participants and vote of thanks to the Director of the college, Rev. Fr. Amit Tirkey, Vice Principal, Dr. G. Padma Gouri, H.O.D’s, faculties and students.        


Dr. Sunita Pawar                                                                               Principal

(Convener, Gender Equity Cell)