
TheRepublic Day celebration at St. Vincent Pallotti College on January 26, 2025,was a grand and patriotic event, bringing students, faculty, and staff togetherto honor the nation’s 76th Republic Day. The celebration began at 8:00 a.m.with a gathering in the college free zone, beautifully decorated with flags andflowers, reflecting the spirit of unity and patriotism.


Theprogram commenced with the hoisting of the national flag by the Chief Guest,Dr. Kuldeep Dubey, the Principal of the college followed by the NationalAnthem, which filled the atmosphere with pride and respect for the nation. Inhis speech, the Chief Guest highlighted the significance of the day and urgedthe youth to contribute actively toward building a strong and progressive Indiaand to fulfill their responsibilities towards the country.


Aseries of cultural performances were organized to showcase the diversity andheritage of the country. Students performed patriotic songs, dances, and speech,which portrayed the sacrifices made by our freedom fighters and the importanceof unity in diversity. The performances were met with enthusiastic applausefrom the audience.


Theevent was graced by the presence of Rev. Fr. Amit Tirkey, Director, Dr. G.Padma Gouri, Vice Principal, HODs and In-charges of different Department,teaching & non-teaching staff and students of the college. The celebrationconcluded with a vote of thanks which expressed gratitude to everyone whocontributed to the success of the event. Refreshments were served to allattendees.


TheRepublic Day celebration was a memorable event, instilling a sense ofpatriotism and pride among everyone present. It served as a reminder of ourduties as citizens and the importance of working together for the betterment ofour country.

Onthe auspicious occasion of Diwali, St. Vincent Pallotti College, Raipur,celebrated Deepotsav- a festival of lights with great enthusiasm and joy on26/10/2024. The celebration commenced with a vibrant Rangoli Competition, opento all students, showcasing their creativity and artistic skills. Variouscolorful rangoli designs adorned the campus, capturing the festive spirit andadding to the cultural significance of the event.

Thefirst prize was awarded to Gopi Patel (B.Com III), while the second positionwas secured by Vaidehi Bhardwaj (BCA III). Twinkle Sahu (BBA III) andHemangi Netam (BBA III) jointly claimed the third position.

TheDiwali celebration continued in the seminar hall, where staff members andstudents gathered to mark the occasion. The hall was illuminated by the warmglow of diyas, symbolizing the victory of light over darkness and positivityover negativity. The ceremony was graced by the presence of Director Rev. Fr.AmitTirkey and Vice Principal Dr. G. Padma Gouri, who joined in lighting thediyas alongside students and staff, fostering a sense of unity and tradition.

Dr.G. Padma Gouri extended heartfelt Diwali wishes to everyone present,emphasizing the importance of the festival and encouraging everyone to embracethe spirit of joy, peace, and prosperity. The celebration concluded with sharedsmiles and festive cheer, leaving a memorable impact on the entire collegecommunity.

‘A literary genius, it is said, resembles all, though no one resembles him’
                                                                                                                        - Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan
On September 5th, 2024, the students of St. Vincent Pallotti College organized a special celebration to honor Teachers, commemorating the birthday of Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, a renowned philosopher and educator. The event aimed to recognize and appreciate the unwavering dedication and hard work of the staff members of the college. The event was attended by College administration, College staff and student representatives from various departments.
The event began with the Lamp Lighting Ceremony that was followed by showering of petals on the Portrait of Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan by Director, Rev. Fr. Amit Tirkey, Principal, Dr. Kuldeep Dubey, Vice Principal, Dr. G. Padma Gouri, and Heads of all the Departments. The birthday celebration of Dr. Radhakrishnan included Cake Cutting by the dignitaries.
The Celebration took its onset with a welcoming presentation of colorful Gujrati Garba dance, that was followed by the opening remarks of the principal, Dr. Kuldeep Dubey. He emphasized the pivotal role teachers’ play in shaping the future. One of the student, representing the student fraternity of the college, shared heartfelt speech about her experiences and the impact of teachers with the audience. She highlighted how teachers inspire, challenge, and support students, making a lasting impact on their lives.
The cultural segment featured many performances by students, including dance performance showcasing traditional and contemporary styles and a musical performance by the college band, which included both popular and classical pieces
Teachers expressed their gratitude and appreciation for the thoughtful celebration. They commended the students for their creativity and effort, noting that the event was a memorable experience that underscored the strong bond between students and teachers. Students reported a high level of satisfaction with the event. They appreciated the opportunity to express their gratitude and recognized the effort that went into organizing the celebration. The cultural performances and awards were particularly well-received.
The Teachers' Day celebration organized by the students of St. Vincent Pallotti College was a resounding success. It effectively conveyed the students' appreciation for their teachers' dedication and contributed to a greater sense of community within the college. The event not only honored the teachers but also reinforced the value of education and mentorship in shaping the future. The college administration congratulated the student organizers and volunteers for their hard work and looking forward to continuing this tradition of celebrating and acknowledging the contributions of educators in the future.

The Mehendi Competition was organized by the CulturalCommittee in the AV room to enhance creativity and unleash the hidden potentialin the students. The competition was held on Saturday, August 24, 2024, from12:00 p.m. onwards. A time limit of 1:30 hours was given. The theme for thecompetition was "Floral Design" allowing students to express theirideas through beautiful designs on their partner’s hands with the help ofHenna.

The students participated in this competition with greatenthusiasm. Many beautiful designs were showcased, reflecting the creativityand innate talents of the students. The competition provided an interesting andunique platform for students to express their artistic skills and contribute toa creative pursuit.

The judges, Dr. Bani Saha and Mrs. Tripti Pashine, wereastonished by the efforts of the students. Each design prepared was a treat tothe eyes, which made the selection process extremely challenging for thejudges. The first position was secured by Vaishnavi Dhurandhar ( MA Sem I),Sonali Verma (B.Ed Sem III) and Bhavyaa Jain (B.Com I)  earned the second position and third positionwas Secured by Chandra Prabha (B.Ed Sem III) and Susmita Kunwar (BBA Sem V).

The Mehendi Competition was a resounding success,showcasing the talent and creativity of our students. Such events are crucialin fostering a sense of community and celebrating the diverse culturalbackgrounds within our college. We express our gratitude to all participants,judges, and organizers who contributed to the success of this event. Theenthusiastic participation of all the students made this fun-filled activitymemorable and impactful.

Freedom in mind, Faith inour heart, Memories in our souls. Let’s salute the Nation on Independence Day!

On August 15, 2024, thecollege celebrated 78th Independence Day with great fervor andpatriotism. The event, was a memorable occasion marked by the presence of  Rev. Fr. Amit Tirkey SAC, the Director of the college,who graced the function as the Chief Guest.

Principal, Major Dr. Kuldeep Dubey, Vice Principal Dr.G. Padma Gouri, Heads of various Departments, Staff members, NCC Cadets andStudents in large number were present in the college for the celebration.

The function commencedat 8:00 AM with the hoisting of the National Flag by Rev. Fr. Amit Tirkey SAC who wasaccompanied by Principal, Dr. Kuldeep Dubey.. The flag-hoisting ceremonywas followed by the singing of the national anthem, performed by the collegechoir. The atmosphere was filled with a sense of pride and unity as theaudience stood in reverence.

Following the flaghoisting, Fr.Amit Tirkey delivered an inspiring speech. The Director reflected on thesignificance of Independence Day, emphasizing the sacrifices made by freedomfighters and the progress India has achieved since gaining independence. Fr. Amit Tirkey encouragedstudents to contribute positively to society and uphold the values of freedomand democracy. The speech resonated with the audience, leaving a lastingimpression on all present.

The cultural segment ofthe event featured a series of performances that highlighted India's richheritage and diversity. The college choir performed a medley of patrioticsongs, stirring emotions and evoking a sense of nationalism among the audience.Students also presented patriotic dance form, showcasing the pride and lovetowards nation. Speech by Student depicted the struggles of freedom fightersand a positive message towards contemporary issues was shared by the student.

The event concludedwith a vote of thanks delivered by the anchors. The Independence Day functionwas a grand success, characterized by its engaging cultural performances,thoughtful speeches, and the enthusiastic participation of students andfaculty. The presence of Fr. Amit Tirkey as the chief guest added significanceto the occasion, reinforcing the values of patriotism and dedication to the Nation.The event not only celebrated India's independence but also strengthened thesense of national pride among the college community.